Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (2024)

Quick Links

  • Animal Feed

  • Henhouse

  • Goose House

  • Pigsty

  • Fold

  • Cowshed

  • Stable

  • Apiary

Along with farming and hunting in Medieval Dynasty, you will have the opportunity to take care of a variety of animals. As you increase your farming technology points, you will unlock new animal husbandry buildings to add to your village. From these buildings, you can assign workers to collect materials and breed animals for you.

Related: Medieval Dynasty: How To Make And Use Farmland

To increase your farming technology points, you will need to farm. Various farm-related activities will increase your total technology points, allowing you to build and craft new things. First, let's take a look at providing food for your future animals.

Animal Feed

Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (1)

All of your animals (excluding bees) will rely on animal feed as their food source. This can be crafted at a barn workbench with the following materials.

  • 1 Rye Grain
  • 1 Oat Grain
  • 5 Straw

The scheme for animal feed will unlock when you acquire 100 farming points. With enough points, you can purchase the scheme for 50 coins. If you don't have enough materials to make your own animal feed, that's okay. Animal feed can also be purchased from farming vendors in town. If you want to boost your crafting skill, you can also buy the rye and oat separately to make your own. Straw can easily be gathered from around water sources, so you don't have to worry about running out.

Animals require different amounts of feed depending on their type and age. Overall, the larger an animal is, the more food it will require. Additionally, baby animals consume less food. For example, a chick just needs around three animal feed portions per year, while an adult hen needs six. Full-grown horses, on the other hand, will need 24 portions of animal feed per year.

Every animal husbandry building will have a trough where you can place food. As you fill the trough, the percentage will increase, indicating the amount of food in it. To add the animal feed, just interact with the trough with food in your inventory.


Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (2)
  • Technology Points Required: 100
  • Maximum Capacity: 10 Chickens
  • Total Building Materials:
    • 14 Logs
    • 32 Sticks
    • 24 Straw

From the henhouse, you can raise chickens that will provide eggs and feathers. Feathers are a key material in crafting arrows, while eggs provide an excellent food source for you and your villagers. You will not be able to collect these items by yourself; an assigned villager will need to collect these items for you.

You can purchase chickens from Ida, located in Borowo, or from Irmina, located inRolnica. Check out the prices for chickens below. The bartering level refers to the bartering skill that can be leveled up in the Diplomacy skill tree. This skill will give you better purchasing and selling prices.

Bartering Level




562 coins

1,125 coins


525 coins

1,050 coins


487 coins

9,75 coins


450 coins

9,00 coins

Baby chicks will take around two seasons to mature, and adult chickens have a lifespan of around 6.25 years, which is 25 seasons.

Goose House

Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (3)
  • Technology Points Required: 500
  • Maximum Capacity: 10 Geese
  • Total Building Materials:
    • 17 Logs
    • 42 Sticks
    • 16 Straw

Similar to chickens, geese will provide you with eggs and feathers. Geese can be purchased from Sobiemir in Gostovia. Below, you can find the prices of both young and adult geese.

Bartering Level




750 coins

1,500 coins


700 coins

1,400 coins


650 coins

1,300 coins


600 coins

1,200 coins

Baby geese take two seasons to mature, and adult geese have a lifespan of 12.5 years, which is 50 seasons.


Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (4)
  • Technology Points Required: 250
  • Maximum Capacity: 5 Pigs
  • Total Building Materials:
    • 20 Logs
    • 54 Sticks
    • 12 Straw

From the pigsty, you will be able to raise pigs to collect manure. Although this sounds a bit gross, manure is a very valuable resource to make fertilizer, that can then be added to your crops.

Similar to hens and chickens, you will need a villager assigned to the pigsty to collect the manure.

Pigs can be purchased in Rolnica from Irmina. Below, you can check out the prices for pigs.

Bartering Level




1,125 coins

2,250 coins


1050 coins

2,100 coins


975 coins

1,950 coins


900 coins

1,800 coins

Piglets will take a full year to mature, and an adult pig has a lifespan of 18.75 years, which is 75 seasons.

RELATED: Medieval Dynasty: Town Vendor Guide


Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (5)
  • Technology Points Required: 2,500
  • Maximum Capacity: 12 Goats and Sheep
  • Total Building Materials:
    • 21 Logs
    • 62 Sticks
    • 32 Straw

From a fold, you will be able to raise goats and sheep. Let's take an in-depth look at both of these animals.


Goats will provide milk, that can be collected from an assigned villager.

You can purchase goats from Lubomira in Barnica. Check out the prices for goats below.

Bartering Level




1,500 coins

3,000 coins


1,400 coins

2,800 coins


1,300 coins

2,600 coins


1,200 coins

2,400 coins

Baby goats will mature after one year, and adult goats have a lifespan of 15 years, which is 60 seasons.


From sheep, you can harvest wool that can then be processed in the sewing hut.

Sheep can also be purchased fromLubomira in Barnica for the following prices.

Bartering Level




1,950 coins

3,900 coins


1,820 coins

3,640 coins


1,690 coins

3,380 coins


1,560 coins

3,120 coins

Lambs will take a full year to mature, and adult sheep have a lifespan of 12.5 years, which is 50 seasons.


Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (6)

via [RG] 84th | Locklear/Steam

  • Technology Points Required: 3,500
  • Maximum Capacity: 8 Cows
  • Total Building Materials:
    • 26 Logs
    • 104 Sticks
    • 32 Straw

From a cowshed, you will be able to gather milk with an assigned villager. You will need to have empty buckets in the cowshed or resource storage so a villager can successfully collect the milk.

You can drink this milk straight from the bucket, or make cheese with it.

Cows can be purchased from Sobiemier in Gostovia for the following prices.

Bartering Level




2250 coins

4500 coins


2100 coins

4200 coins


1950 coins

3900 coins


1800 coins

3600 coins

A calf will take two years to mature, and adult cows have a lifespan of around 22 years, which is 90 seasons.


Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (7)
  • Technology Points Required: 2,000
  • Maximum Capacity: 4 Horses and Donkeys
  • Total Building Materials:
    • 48 Logs
    • 48 Straw
    • 5 Planks

Stables allow you to raise horses and donkeys as mounts. With a villager assigned here, they can breed horses and donkeys. Although these animals don't provide any resources, you can sell them to make more money. Let's take an in-depth look at both of these animals.


Horses are a quick mount, perfect for traveling. You can purchase a horse from Leonard in Hornica for the following prices.

Bartering Level




5,250 coins

10,500 coins


4,900 coins

9,800 coins


4,550 coins

9,100 coins


4,200 coins

8,400 coins

Foals will take one and a half years to mature, and adult horses have a lifespan of 31.25 years, which is 125 seasons.


While horses excel in moving quickly, donkeys excel in transporting goods. You can purchase donkeys from Amanda in Tutki for the following prices.

Bartering Level




2,625 coins

3,750 coins


2,450 coins

3,500 coins


2,275 coins

3,250 coins


2,100 coins

3,000 coins

Similar to horses, donkey foals take one and a half years to mature. Adult donkeys have a lifespan of 31.25 years as well.


Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (8)
  • Technology Points Required: 9,000
  • Total Building Materials:
    • 7 Logs
    • 16 Straw

Apiaries work a bit differently from other animal husbandry buildings. Rather than buying bees, you will just need to build the apiary and they will come. Additionally, bees do not require you to feed them. From the apiary, you can assign a worker to collect honeycomb.

That's all there is to know about animal husbandry. Overall, you will need a lot of technology points to unlock these buildings, as well as a lot of building materials. Try to farm as much as you can to increase your farming technology points.

Next: Medieval Dynasty: Where To Build Your Village

Medieval Dynasty: Animal Husbandry Guide (2024)


What are the odds of breeding animals in medieval dynasty? ›

Every female has a 15% (for horse/donkeys 20%) chance multiplied by the numbers of males. Mean one chicken and 2 rosters is 30% chance of newborns every season change.

How much animal feed do pigs need medieval dynasty? ›

Each adult female pig can produce a maximum of 2 piglets per season, depending on how many empty slots you have available in the pigsty. An animal breeder is required to be employed in the pigsty for pigs to produce manure. Each pig needs animal feed daily, and each pig consumes 1.251 units of animal feed per day.

Will animals reproduce in the medieval dynasty? ›

When an adult male and an adult female of a species are kept in the same building, they can produce offspring. Each female has a % chance to reproduce that is equal to the % chance multiplied by the number of males.

What do donkeys do for you in medieval dynasty? ›

While donkeys do not produce any resources, they do provide transport for the player and goods.

What type of animal breeding makes the most money? ›

Broiler chickens are undoubtedly one of the most lucrative farm animals. With their rapid growth rate and high demand for poultry products, investing in broiler farming can be a feathered gold mine. Ensure optimal nutrition, controlled environment, and regular health checks to maximize profits.

Are pigs worth it in medieval dynasty? ›

Pigs are a crucial livestock in Medieval Dynasty for several reasons: Meat Production: Pigs provide a steady supply of meat, which is essential for feeding your villagers and crafting various dishes. Manure: Pig manure is used to create fertilizer, which improves crop yields and helps maintain a thriving farm.

How many children can you have in the medieval dynasty? ›

Yes, the player character can only have one child. Maybe they'll add this in the future when they allow co-op players to marry each other and have children together. Unless it has changed, you can only get a second child once you have transferred control to your heir and your character becomes an NPC.

Do you need to feed horses in medieval dynasty? ›

- Animals don't reproduce if they are hungry. So yes, you need to feed your horses if you want then to breed.

Does medieval dynasty ever end? ›

Like other survival games, Medieval Dynasty can be played long after you complete all the achievements. For example, when Racimir dies, you will play as his heir. As the heir, you can continue on live in the valley, expanding your village to greatness. Please verify your email address.

Can you have a female child in medieval dynasty? ›

It was possible at some point. The player character never could have more than one child, but their heir could have more than one as an NPC, so when you took over your heir you had 2-4 kids, some of whom could be girls.

Are there cheats in the medieval dynasty? ›

After the game loads and once you're in-game, you can start enabling different cheats! WeMod uses advanced technology to detect the game version you're running and will let you know if it's supported. If it's not, you will still have the option of giving it a try or requesting an update!

What do geese do in the medieval dynasty? ›

Geese give what the chickens do, both eggs and feathers, just more of it. Think of it as a level 2. I find that hunters gave give you lots of feathers, so unless you need the eggs I wouldn't bother. +1 for the fold, the wool is more important.

What do goats do in medieval dynasty? ›

Resource Production

Adult female goats produce milk. Goatlings do not produce anything. Upon hunting and skinning, an adult goat yields 5 leather, and 15 meat, while a goatling yields 3 leather and 10 meat.

How common was inbreeding in medieval times? ›

From 1516 to 1700, it has been estimated that over 80% of marriages within the Spanish branch of the Habsburg dynasty were consanguineous. In other words, they were marriages between close blood relatives. These unions often took the form of marriages between first cousins, double-first cousins, and uncles/nieces.

Will pets breed in going medieval? ›

As long as you have males and females, your animals will keep making babies.

Can chickens reproduce in the medieval dynasty? ›

Chickens require an animal breeder to be employed at the henhouse to breed. There are three color variants of chickens: white, tan and grey. But no variants of the rooster or chicks and no way to breed for the colors.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.