Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (2024)

Doom 2016 contains the following collectible types: Secrets, Collectibles (Doll Models), Data Logs, Elite Guards (Praetor Upgrades), Argent Cells, Field Drones (Weapon Mods), Rune Trials.
Finding all their locations is required for the following 13 trophies / achievements:

Specialist [Bronze / 20G]
IDKFA [Gold / 50G]
Hot Swapper [Silver / 30G]
Historian [Bronze / 25G]
Every Nook and Cranny [Silver / 30G]
Argent Overload [Bronze / 15G]
Argent Fiend [Silver / 30G]
A Gift from Beyond [Bronze / 15G]
The Circle is Complete [Silver / 30G]
Tinkering [Silver / 15G]
Overclocked [Gold / 50G]
Momentum Shift [Bronze / 25G]
IDDQD [Gold / 100G]

Doom Collectible Guide Playlist:

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (1)

You can get everything via chapter select at any time. For two of the trophies “Overclocked” & “Argent Fiend” you have to find all Argent Cells and Elite Guards in one campaign playthrough! So make sure you don’t miss anything.
All collectibles (except for dolls & data logs) let you upgrade your gear. This makes them an important part of the game. The Praetor Upgrade called “Full View” reveals the collectible locations on the map (except for Secrets). Some are still hard to find because you need to use switches that aren’t marked.

The secrets will give you weapon upgrade points. You don’t need every single secret to fully upgrade everything. It’s okay if you miss a few of those.
As soon as you pick up a collectible it will be saved instantly and you can exit the mission without having to reach the next checkpoint. You don’t have to pick it up again when you die.

In chapter select you can see how many collectibles you have found per level. The Data Logs are tracked separately in the “Codex” menu of the pause screen (they aren’t tracked in chapter select).


#1 – Data Log #1 (Environments: The UAC, A Brief History) – 0:05
#2 – Secret #1 – 0:30
#3 – Collectible #1 (Combat Shotgun Model) – 0:30
#4 – Elite GUard #1 – 0:58
#5 – Secret #2 (CLASSIC DOOM MAP) – 1:31
#6 – Data Log #2 (Environments: The UAC, Welcome to Mars) – 1:57
#7 – Field Drone #1 – 2:21
#8 – Secret #3 – 2:36
#9 – Collectible #2 (Imp Model) – 2:36

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (2)


#1 – Secret #1 – 0:05
#2 – Secret #2 (Classic Map: Doom Hangar) – 0:42
#3 – Data Log #1 (Environments: Resource Operations) – 1:30
#4 – Field Drone #1 – 1:56
#5 – Secret #3 – 2:24
#6 – Elite GUard #1 – 3:29
#7 – Secret #4 (Plasma Rifle) – 2:46
#8 – Secret #5 – 4:08
#9 – Secret #6 – 4:41
#10 – Elite Guard #2 – 4:58
#11 – Secret #7 – 5:13
#12 – Collectible #1 (Doom Marine Model) – 5:13
#13 – Data Log #2 (Monsters: Possessed Security) – 6:00
#14 – Elite GUard #3 – 6:24
#15 – Secret #8 – 6:56
#16 – Collectible #2 (Heavy Assault Rifle Mod) – 6:56
#17 – Argent Cell #1 – 7:29

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (3)


#1 – Field Drone #1 – 0:05
#2 – Data Log #1 (Environments: Foundry, Foundry Team Manifest) – 0:32
#3 – Elite Guard #1 – 0:38
#4 – Secret #1 – 1:01
#5 – Secret #2 – 1:30
#6 – Collectible #1 (Possessed Engineer Model) – 1:30
#7 – Secret #3 (Classic Map: Doom Nuclear Plant) – 2:12
#8 – Argent Cell #1 – 2:48
#9 – Data Log #2 (UAC Personell: Samuel Hayden) – 3:15
#10 – Secret #4 – 3:33
#11 – Collectible #2 (Plasma Rifle Model) – 3:33
#12 – Secret #5 – 3:54
#13 – Elite Guard #2 – 3:54
#14 – Data Log #3 (Monsters: Imp) – 4:15
#15 – Secret #6 – 4:47
#16 – Elite Guard #3 – 5:13

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (4)


#1 – Rune Trial #1 (Vacuum) – 0:05
#2 – Data Log #1 (Environments: Argent Facility, Exterior Opportunities) – 0:38
#3 – Secret #1 (Classic Map: Doom Toxin Refinery) – 0:49
#4 – Elite Guard #1 – 1:17
#5 – Data Log #2 (Personnel: Vega II – 1:45
#6 – Argent Cell #1 – 2:01
#7 – Rune Trial #2 (Dazed and Confused) – 2:55
#8 – Secret #2 – 3:31
#9 – Collectible #1 (Hell Knight Model) – 3:31
#10 – Elite Guard #2 – 3:55
#11 – Data Log #3 (Monsters: Hell Razer II) – 4:34
#12 – Field Drone #1 – 4:58
#13 – Secret #3 – 5:10
#14 – Collectible #2 (Rocket Launcher Model) – 5:10
#15 – Secret #4 (Super Shotgun) – 5:50
#16 – Secret #5 (Automap) – 6:21
#17 – Data Log #4 (Monsters: Hell Knight II) – 6:52
#18 – Elite Guard #3 – 7:12
#19 – Field Drone #2 – 7:57
#20 – Elite Guard #4 – 8:32

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (5)


#1 – Data Log #1 (Environments: Argent Energy Tower, Tier 2 Manifest) – 0:05
#2 – Rune Trial #1 (Ammo Boost) – 0:39
#3 – Secret #1 – 0:57
#4 – Argent Cell #1 – 0:57
#5 – Secret #2 – 1:36
#6 – Field Drone #1 – 1:36
#7 – Data Log #2 (Monsters: Revenant II) – 2:41
#8 – Secret #3 – 2:48
#9 – Elite Guard #1 – 2:48
#10 – Data Log #3 (Monsters: Summoner II) – 3:18
#11 – Elite Guard #2 – 3:53
#12 – Data Log #4 (Database: Argent Energy II) – 4:31
#13 – Secret #4 – 4:45
#14 – Collectible #1 (UAC Pistol Model) – 4:45
#15 – Secret #5 – 5:20
#16 – Collectible #2 (Summoner Model) – 5:20
#17 – Argent Cell #2 – 5:58
#18 – Secret #6 (Classic Room: Doom Halls of the Damned) – 6:39
#19 – Rune Trial #2 (Equipment Power) – 8:15
#20 – Elite Guard #3 – 9:00
#21 – Secret #7 (Gauss Cannon) – 9:24

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (6)


#1 – Secret #1 – 0:05
#2 – Elite Guard #1 – 0:40
#3 – Data Log #1 (Artifact: Slayer’s Testament I) – 1:42
#4 – Secret #2 – 1:50
#5 – Collectible #1 (Revenant Model) – 1:50
#6 – Secret #3 – 2:44
#7 – Rune Trial #1 (Savagery) – 2:44
#8 – Argent Cell #1 – 3:23
#9 – Secret #4 – 4:04
#10 – Elite Guard #2 – 4:29
#11 – Rune Trial #2 (Seek and Destory) – 5:05
#12 – Secret #5 – 5:48
#13 – Collectible #2 (Mancubus Model) – 5:48
#14 – Elite Guard #3 – 6:09
#15 – Data Log #2 (Environments: Kadingir Sanctum, The Expedition) – 6:30
#16 – Data Log #3 (Artifacts: Slayer’s Testa,emt II) – 6:40
#17 – Field Drone #1 – 6:51
#18 – Data Log #4 (Artifacts: Doom Marine) – 7:15
#19 – Secret #6 (Classic Map: Doom Slough of Despair) – 7:24
#20 – Data Log #5 (Monsters: Mancubus II) – 8:20
#21 – Data Log #6 (Artifacts: Slayer’s Testament III) – 8:56
#22 – Elite Guard #4 – 9:24
#23 – Data Log #7 (Personnel: Olivia Pierce I) – 9:42

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (7)


#1 – Data Log #1 (Monsters: Baron of Hell II) – 0:05
#2 – Secret #1 – 0:29
#3 – Collectible #1 (Cacodemon Model) – 0:29
#4 – Secret #2 (Classic Map: Doom II Underhalls) – 1:05
#5 – Elite Guard #1 – 1:41
#6 – Data Log #2 (Environments: Argent Facility, Calm Under Pressure) – 2:19
#7 – Rune Trial #1 (In-Fligh Mobility) – 2:31
#8 – Secret #3 – 3:05
#9 – Elite Guard #2 – 3:05
#10 – Data Log #3 (UAC Personnel: Samuel Hayden II) – 3:36
#11 – Elite Guard #3 – 4:24
#12 – Data Log #4 (Monsters: Mancubus III) – 4:45
#13 – Secret #4 – 5:06
#14 – Field Drone #1 – 5:06
#15 – Secret #5 – 5:48
#16 – Rune Trial #2 (Armored Offensive) – 5:48
#17 – Argent Cell #1 – 6:13
#18 – Data Log #5 (Monsters: Cacodemon II) – 7:09
#19 – Secret #6 – 7:24
#20 – Collectible #2 (Baron of Hell Model) – 7:24
#21 – Elite Guard #4 – 7:44

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (8)


#1 – Secret #1 – 0:05
#2 – Elite Guard #1 – 0:05
#3 – Argent Cell #1 – 0:49
#4 – Data Log #1 (Environments: Advanced Research Complex, Tier 3 Manifest) – 1:16
#5 – Data Log #2 (UAC Personnel: Samuel Hayden III) – 1:33
#6 – Elite Guard #2 – 2:00
#7 – Secret #2 – 2:16
#8 – Rune Trial #1 (Blood Fueled) – 2:16
#9 – Secret #3 (Classic Map: Doom Phobos Lab) – 3:07
#10 – Secret #4 – 4:08
#11 – Collectible #1 (Super Shotgun Model) – 4:08
#12 – Secret #5 – 4:50
#13 – Secret #6 – 5:19
#14 – Argent Cell #2 – 5:19
#15 – Secret #7 – 5:47
#16 – Field Drone #1 – 5:47
#17 – Secret #8 – 6:44
#18 – Elite Guard – 6:44
#19 – Data Log #3 (Weapons: BFG III) – 7:24
#20 – Data Log #4 (Weapons: BFG II) – 7:47
#21 – Secret #9 – 8:06
#22 – Collectible #2 (Pinky Model) – 8:06
#23 – Secret #10 – 8:32
#24 – Rune Trial #2 (Intimacy is Best) – 8:32

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (9)


#1 – Data Log #1 (Environments: Lazarus Labs, An Important Message) – 0:05
#2 – Secret #1 – 0:30
#3 – Secret #2 – 1:03
#4 – Data Log #2 (Database: Elite Guard II) – 1:03
#5 – Elite Guard #1 – 1:37
#6 – Field Drone #1 – 1:49
#7 – Data Log #3 (Monsters: Cyberdemon, Specimen CD587-1) – 2:25
#8 – Secret #3 – 3:02
#9 – Rune Trial #1 (Rich Get Richer) – 3:02
#10 – Secret #4 – 3:31
#11 – Elite Guard #2 – 3:31
#12 – Secret #5 – 4:05
#13 – Collectible #1 (Olivia Pierce Model) – 4:05
#14 – Secret #6 – 4:38
#15 – Collectible #2 (Samuel Hayden Model) – 4:38
#16 – Data Log #4 (UAC Personnel: Olivia Pierce III) – 5:20
#17 – Argent Cell #1 – 5:37
#18 – Challenge: Time Well Spent – 6:02
#19 – Secret #7 – 6:14
#20 – Elite Guard #3 – 6:14
#21 – Secret #8 (Classic Map: Doom Tower of Babel) – 7:00
#22 – Secret #9 – 7:26
#23 – Elite Guard #4 – 7:26
#24 – Rune Trial #2 (Saving Throw) – 8:13
#25 – Data Log #5 (Monsters: Cyberdemon, Specimen CD587-2) – 8:20

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (10)


#1 – Data Log #1 (Artifacts: Slayer’s Testament IV) – 0:05
#2 – Secret #1 – 0:29
#3 – Elite Guard #1 – 0:29
#4 – Secret #2 – 1:15
#5 – Field Drone #1 – 1:15
#6 – Secret #3 – 2:14
#7 – Collectible #1 (BFG-9000 Model) – 2:14
#8 – Secret #4 – 2:49
#9 – Collectible #2 (Cyberdemon Model) – 2:49
#10 – Elite Guard #2 – 3:22
#11 – Data Log #2 (Monsters: Pinky II) – 4:15
#12 – Argent Cell #1 – 4:38
#13 – Secret #5 (Classic Map: Doom Phobos Anomaly) – 4:56
#14 – Data Log #3 (Artifacts: Slayer’s Testament V) – 5:57
#15 – Secret #6 – 6:47
#16 – Data Log #4 (UAC Personnel: Olivia Pierce III) – 6:59

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (11)


#1 – Data Log #1 (Monsters: Cyber-Mancubus II) – 0:05
#2 – Data Log #2 (Artifacts: Slayer’s Testament VI) – 0:27
#3 – Argent Cell #1 – 0:44
#4 – Secret #1 (Classic Map: Doom House of Pain) – 1:08
#5 – Data Log #3 (Artifacts: Slayer’s Testament VII) – 2:22
#6 – Secret #2 – 3:12
#7 – Collectible #1 (Chainsaw Model) – 3:12
#8 – Elite Guard #1 – 3:38
#9 – Field Drone #1 – 3:53
#10 – Elite Guard #2 – 4:14
#11 – Secret #3 – 4:43
#12 – Collectible #2 (Gauss Cannon Model) – 4:43
Last 2 Data Logs of this mission are automatic story unlocks (unmissable, from boss fight)

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (12)


#1 – Data Log #1 (UAC Personnel: Vega III) – 0:05
#2 – Elite Guard #1 – 0:25
#3 – Secret #1 – 0:50
#4 – Collectible #1 (Hell Guard Model) – 0:50
#5 – Data Log #2 (Monsters: Revenant III) – 1:19
#6 – Secret #2 – 1:55
#7 – Elite Guard #2 – 1:55
#8 – Secret #3 (Classic Map: Doom Command Control) – 2:45
#9 – Secret #4 – 3:13
#10 – Collecitble #2 (Cyber-Mancubus Model) – 3:13
#11 – Data Log #3 (Monsters: Cyber-Mancubus III) – 3:49
#12 – Secret #5 – 4:20
#13 – Elite Guard #3 – 4:20
#14 – Data Log #4 (Environments: Vega Central Processing, Artificial Intelligence) – 4:55

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (13)


#1 – Secret #1 – 0:05
#2 – Secret #2 (Classic Map: Doom Pandemonium) – 0:51
#3 – Secret #3 – 2:12
#4 – Secret #4 – 2:26
#5 – Collectible #1 (Chainsaw Model) – 2:26
#6 – Secret #5 – 2:59
#7 – Collectible #2 (Spider Mastermind Model) – 4:00

Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (14)


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Doom 2016 All Collectible Locations Guide - Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Upgrades, Runes (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.