Bss Script - (2024)

  1. -- API CALLS

  2. local api = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()

  3. local library = api.returncode("")

  4. local bssapi = api.returncode("")

  5. -- Script temporary variables

  6. local playerstatsevent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RetrievePlayerStats

  7. local statstable = playerstatsevent:InvokeServer()

  8. local monsterspawners = game:GetService("Workspace").MonsterSpawners

  9. local rarename

  10. function rtsg() tab = game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.RetrievePlayerStats:InvokeServer() return tab end

  11. function maskequip(mask) local ohString1 = "Equip" local ohTable2 = { ["Mute"] = false, ["Type"] = mask, ["Category"] = "Accessory"} game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ItemPackageEvent:InvokeServer(ohString1, ohTable2) end

  12. local lasttouched = nil

  13. local done = true

  14. local hi = false

  15. -- Script tables

  16. local temptable = {

  17. version = "1.0.0",

  18. blackfield = "Ant Field",

  19. redfields = {},

  20. bluefields = {},

  21. whitefields = {},

  22. shouldiconvertballoonnow = false,

  23. balloondetected = false,

  24. puffshroomdetected = false,

  25. magnitude = 70,

  26. blacklist = {

  27. "e_mrFluk2281"

  28. },

  29. running = false,

  30. configname = "",

  31. tokenpath = game:GetService("Workspace").Collectibles,

  32. started = {

  33. vicious = false,

  34. mondo = false,

  35. windy = false,

  36. ant = false,

  37. monsters = false

  38. },

  39. detected = {

  40. vicious = false,

  41. windy = false

  42. },

  43. tokensfarm = false,

  44. converting = false,

  45. honeystart = 0,

  46. grib = nil,

  47. gribpos =,0,0),

  48. honeycurrent = statstable.Totals.Honey,

  49. dead = false,

  50. float = false,

  51. pepsigodmode = false,

  52. pepsiautodig = false,

  53. alpha = false,

  54. beta = false,

  55. myhiveis = false,

  56. invis = false,

  57. windy = nil,

  58. sprouts = {

  59. detected = false,

  60. coords

  61. },

  62. cache = {

  63. autofarm = false,

  64. killmondo = false,

  65. vicious = false,

  66. windy = false

  67. },

  68. allplanters = {},

  69. planters = {

  70. planter = {},

  71. cframe = {},

  72. activeplanters = {

  73. type = {},

  74. id = {}

  75. }

  76. },

  77. monstertypes = {"Ladybug", "Rhino", "Spider", "Scorpion", "Mantis", "Werewolf"},

  78. ["stopapypa"] = function(path, part)

  79. local Closest

  80. for i,v in next, path:GetChildren() do

  81. if v.Name ~= "PlanterBulb" then

  82. if Closest == nil then

  83. Closest = v.Soil

  84. else

  85. if (part.Position - v.Soil.Position).magnitude < (Closest.Position - part.Position).magnitude then

  86. Closest = v.Soil

  87. end

  88. end

  89. end

  90. end

  91. return Closest

  92. end,

  93. coconuts = {},

  94. crosshairs = {},

  95. crosshair = false,

  96. coconut = false,

  97. act = 0,

  98. ['touchedfunction'] = function(v)

  99. if lasttouched ~= v then

  100. if v.Parent.Name == "FlowerZones" then

  101. if v:FindFirstChild("ColorGroup") then

  102. if tostring(v.ColorGroup.Value) == "Red" then

  103. maskequip("Demon Mask")

  104. elseif tostring(v.ColorGroup.Value) == "Blue" then

  105. maskequip("Diamond Mask")

  106. end

  107. else

  108. maskequip("Gummy Mask")

  109. end

  110. lasttouched = v

  111. end

  112. end

  113. end,

  114. runningfor = 0,

  115. oldtool = rtsg()["EquippedCollector"],

  116. ['gacf'] = function(part, st)

  117. coordd =, part.Position.Y+st, part.Position.Z)

  118. return coordd

  119. end

  120. }

  121. local planterst = {

  122. plantername = {},

  123. planterid = {}

  124. }

  125. for i,v in next, temptable.blacklist do if v == api.nickname then game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("You're blacklisted! Get clapped!") end end

  126. if temptable.honeystart == 0 then temptable.honeystart = statstable.Totals.Honey end

  127. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").MonsterSpawners:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "TimerAttachment" then v.Name = "Attachment" end end

  128. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").MonsterSpawners:GetChildren() do if v.Name == "RoseBush" then v.Name = "ScorpionBush" elseif v.Name == "RoseBush2" then v.Name = "ScorpionBush2" end end

  129. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").FlowerZones:GetChildren() do if v:FindFirstChild("ColorGroup") then if v:FindFirstChild("ColorGroup").Value == "Red" then table.insert(temptable.redfields, v.Name) elseif v:FindFirstChild("ColorGroup").Value == "Blue" then table.insert(temptable.bluefields, v.Name) end else table.insert(temptable.whitefields, v.Name) end end

  130. local flowertable = {}

  131. for _,z in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Flowers:GetChildren() do table.insert(flowertable, z.Position) end

  132. local masktable = {}

  133. for _,v in next, game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Accessories:GetChildren() do if string.match(v.Name, "Mask") then table.insert(masktable, v.Name) end end

  134. local collectorstable = {}

  135. for _,v in next, getupvalues(require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Collectors).Exists) do for e,r in next, v do table.insert(collectorstable, e) end end

  136. local fieldstable = {}

  137. for _,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").FlowerZones:GetChildren() do table.insert(fieldstable, v.Name) end

  138. local toystable = {}

  139. for _,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Toys:GetChildren() do table.insert(toystable, v.Name) end

  140. local spawnerstable = {}

  141. for _,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").MonsterSpawners:GetChildren() do table.insert(spawnerstable, v.Name) end

  142. local accesoriestable = {}

  143. for _,v in next, game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Accessories:GetChildren() do if v.Name ~= "UpdateMeter" then table.insert(accesoriestable, v.Name) end end

  144. for i,v in pairs(getupvalues(require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").PlanterTypes).GetTypes)) do for e,z in pairs(v) do table.insert(temptable.allplanters, e) end end

  145. table.sort(fieldstable)

  146. table.sort(accesoriestable)

  147. table.sort(toystable)

  148. table.sort(spawnerstable)

  149. table.sort(masktable)

  150. table.sort(temptable.allplanters)

  151. table.sort(collectorstable)

  152. -- float pad

  153. local floatpad ="Part", game:GetService("Workspace"))

  154. floatpad.CanCollide = false

  155. floatpad.Anchored = true

  156. floatpad.Transparency = 1

  157. floatpad.Name = "FloatPad"

  158. -- cococrab

  159. local cocopad ="Part", game:GetService("Workspace"))

  160. cocopad.Name = "Coconut Part"

  161. cocopad.Anchored = true

  162. cocopad.Transparency = 1

  163. cocopad.Size =, 1, 10)

  164. cocopad.Position =, 105.91863250732, 467.86791992188)

  165. -- antfarm

  166. local antpart ="Part", workspace)

  167. antpart.Name = "Ant Autofarm Part"

  168. antpart.Position =, 47, 553)

  169. antpart.Anchored = true

  170. antpart.Size =, 1, 50)

  171. antpart.Transparency = 1

  172. antpart.CanCollide = false

  173. -- config

  174. local andromeda = {

  175. rares = {},

  176. priority = {},

  177. bestfields = {

  178. red = "Pepper Patch",

  179. white = "Coconut Field",

  180. blue = "Stump Field"

  181. },

  182. blacklistedfields = {},

  183. killerandromeda = {},

  184. toggles = {

  185. autofarm = false,

  186. farmclosestleaf = false,

  187. farmbubbles = false,

  188. autodig = false,

  189. farmrares = false,

  190. rgbui = false,

  191. farmflower = false,

  192. farmfuzzy = false,

  193. farmcoco = false,

  194. farmflame = false,

  195. farmclouds = false,

  196. killmondo = false,

  197. killvicious = false,

  198. loopspeed = false,

  199. loopjump = false,

  200. autoquest = false,

  201. autoboosters = false,

  202. autodispense = false,

  203. clock = false,

  204. freeantpass = false,

  205. honeystorm = false,

  206. autodoquest = false,

  207. disableseperators = false,

  208. npctoggle = false,

  209. loopfarmspeed = false,

  210. mobquests = false,

  211. traincrab = false,

  212. avoidmobs = false,

  213. farmsprouts = false,

  214. farmunderballoons = false,

  215. farmsnowflakes = false,

  216. collectgingerbreads = false,

  217. collectcrosshairs = false,

  218. farmpuffshrooms = false,

  219. tptonpc = false,

  220. donotfarmtokens = false,

  221. convertballoons = false,

  222. autostockings = false,

  223. autosamovar = false,

  224. autoonettart = false,

  225. autocandles = false,

  226. autofeast = false,

  227. autoplanters = false,

  228. autokillmobs = false,

  229. autoant = false,

  230. killwindy = false,

  231. godmode = false

  232. },

  233. vars = {

  234. field = "Ant Field",

  235. convertat = 100,

  236. farmspeed = 60,

  237. prefer = "Tokens",

  238. walkspeed = 70,

  239. jumppower = 70,

  240. npcprefer = "All Quests",

  241. farmtype = "Walk",

  242. monstertimer = 3

  243. },

  244. dispensesettings = {

  245. blub = false,

  246. straw = false,

  247. treat = false,

  248. coconut = false,

  249. glue = false,

  250. rj = false,

  251. white = false,

  252. red = false,

  253. blue = false

  254. }

  255. }

  256. local defaultandromeda = andromeda

  257. -- functions

  258. function statsget() local StatCache = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ClientStatCache) local stats = StatCache:Get() return stats end

  259. function farm(trying)

  260. if andromeda.toggles.loopfarmspeed then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = andromeda.vars.farmspeed end

  261. api.humanoid():MoveTo(trying.Position)

  262. repeat task.wait() until (trying.Position-api.humanoidrootpart().Position).magnitude <=4 or not IsToken(trying) or not temptable.running

  263. end

  264. function disableall()

  265. if andromeda.toggles.autofarm and not temptable.converting then

  266. temptable.cache.autofarm = true

  267. andromeda.toggles.autofarm = false

  268. end

  269. if andromeda.toggles.killmondo and not temptable.started.mondo then

  270. andromeda.toggles.killmondo = false

  271. temptable.cache.killmondo = true

  272. end

  273. if andromeda.toggles.killvicious and not temptable.started.vicious then

  274. andromeda.toggles.killvicious = false

  275. temptable.cache.vicious = true

  276. end

  277. if andromeda.toggles.killwindy and not temptable.started.windy then

  278. andromeda.toggles.killwindy = false

  279. temptable.cache.windy = true

  280. end

  281. end

  282. function enableall()

  283. if temptable.cache.autofarm then

  284. andromeda.toggles.autofarm = true

  285. temptable.cache.autofarm = false

  286. end

  287. if temptable.cache.killmondo then

  288. andromeda.toggles.killmondo = true

  289. temptable.cache.killmondo = false

  290. end

  291. if temptable.cache.vicious then

  292. andromeda.toggles.killvicious = true

  293. temptable.cache.vicious = false

  294. end

  295. if temptable.cache.windy then

  296. andromeda.toggles.killwindy = true

  297. temptable.cache.windy = false

  298. end

  299. end

  300. function gettoken(v3)

  301. if not v3 then

  302. v3 = fieldposition

  303. end

  304. task.wait()

  305. for e,r in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Collectibles:GetChildren() do

  306. if tonumber((r.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude) <= temptable.magnitude/1.4 and (v3-r.Position).magnitude <= temptable.magnitude then

  307. farm(r)

  308. end

  309. end

  310. end

  311. function makesprinklers()

  312. sprinkler = rtsg().EquippedSprinkler

  313. e = 1

  314. if sprinkler == "Basic Sprinkler" or sprinkler == "The Supreme Saturator" then

  315. e = 1

  316. elseif sprinkler == "Silver Soakers" then

  317. e = 2

  318. elseif sprinkler == "Golden Gushers" then

  319. e = 3

  320. elseif sprinkler == "Diamond Drenchers" then

  321. e = 4

  322. end

  323. for i = 1, e do

  324. k = api.humanoid().JumpPower

  325. if e ~= 1 then api.humanoid().JumpPower = 70 api.humanoid().Jump = true task.wait(.2) end

  326. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.PlayerActivesCommand:FireServer({["Name"] = "Sprinkler Builder"})

  327. if e ~= 1 then api.humanoid().JumpPower = k task.wait(1) end

  328. end

  329. end

  330. function killmobs()

  331. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").MonsterSpawners:GetChildren()) do

  332. if v:FindFirstChild("Territory") then

  333. if v.Name ~= "Commando Chick" and v.Name ~= "CoconutCrab" and v.Name ~= "StumpSnail" and v.Name ~= "TunnelBear" and v.Name ~= "King Beetle Cave" and not v.Name:match("CaveMonster") and not v:FindFirstChild("TimerLabel", true).Visible then

  334. if v.Name:match("Werewolf") then

  335. monsterpart = game:GetService("Workspace").Territories.WerewolfPlateau.w

  336. elseif v.Name:match("Mushroom") then

  337. monsterpart = game:GetService("Workspace").Territories.MushroomZone.Part

  338. else

  339. monsterpart = v.Territory.Value

  340. end

  341. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = monsterpart.CFrame

  342. repeat api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = monsterpart.CFrame avoidmob() task.wait(1) until v:FindFirstChild("TimerLabel", true).Visible

  343. for i = 1, 4 do gettoken(monsterpart.Position) end

  344. end

  345. end

  346. end

  347. end

  348. function IsToken(token)

  349. if not token then

  350. return false

  351. end

  352. if not token.Parent then return false end

  353. if token then

  354. if token.Orientation.Z ~= 0 then

  355. return false

  356. end

  357. if token:FindFirstChild("FrontDecal") then

  358. else

  359. return false

  360. end

  361. if not token.Name == "C" then

  362. return false

  363. end

  364. if not token:IsA("Part") then

  365. return false

  366. end

  367. return true

  368. else

  369. return false

  370. end

  371. end

  372. function check(ok)

  373. if not ok then

  374. return false

  375. end

  376. if not ok.Parent then return false end

  377. return true

  378. end

  379. function getplanters()

  380. table.clear(planterst.plantername)

  381. table.clear(planterst.planterid)

  382. for i,v in pairs(debug.getupvalues(require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").LocalPlanters).LoadPlanter)[4]) do

  383. if v.GrowthPercent == 1 and v.IsMine then

  384. table.insert(planterst.plantername, v.Type)

  385. table.insert(planterst.planterid, v.ActorID)

  386. end

  387. end

  388. end

  389. function farmant()

  390. antpart.CanCollide = true

  391. temptable.started.ant = true

  392. anttable = {left = true, right = false}

  393. temptable.oldtool = rtsg()['EquippedCollector']

  394. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ItemPackageEvent:InvokeServer("Equip",{["Mute"] = true,["Type"] = "Spark Staff",["Category"] = "Collector"})

  395. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Ant Challenge")

  396. andromeda.toggles.autodig = true

  397. acl =, 48, 547)

  398. acr =, 48, 534)

  399. task.wait(1)

  400. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.PlayerActivesCommand:FireServer({["Name"] = "Sprinkler Builder"})

  401. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame +, 15, 0)

  402. task.wait(3)

  403. repeat

  404. task.wait()

  405. for i,v in next, game.Workspace.Toys["Ant Challenge"].Obstacles:GetChildren() do

  406. if v:FindFirstChild("Root") then

  407. if (v.Root.Position-api.humanoidrootpart().Position).magnitude <= 40 and anttable.left then

  408. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = acr

  409. anttable.left = false anttable.right = true

  410. wait(.1)

  411. elseif (v.Root.Position-api.humanoidrootpart().Position).magnitude <= 40 and anttable.right then

  412. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = acl

  413. anttable.left = true anttable.right = false

  414. wait(.1)

  415. end

  416. end

  417. end

  418. until game:GetService("Workspace").Toys["Ant Challenge"].Busy.Value == false

  419. task.wait(1)

  420. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ItemPackageEvent:InvokeServer("Equip",{["Mute"] = true,["Type"] = temptable.oldtool,["Category"] = "Collector"})

  421. temptable.started.ant = false

  422. antpart.CanCollide = false

  423. end

  424. function collectplanters()

  425. getplanters()

  426. for i,v in pairs(planterst.plantername) do

  427. if api.partwithnamepart(v, game:GetService("Workspace").Planters) and api.partwithnamepart(v, game:GetService("Workspace").Planters):FindFirstChild("Soil") then

  428. soil = api.partwithnamepart(v, game:GetService("Workspace").Planters).Soil

  429. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = soil.CFrame

  430. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.PlanterModelCollect:FireServer(planterst.planterid[i])

  431. task.wait(.5)

  432. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.PlayerActivesCommand:FireServer({["Name"] = v.." Planter"})

  433. for i = 1, 5 do gettoken(soil.Position) end

  434. task.wait(2)

  435. end

  436. end

  437. end

  438. function getprioritytokens()

  439. task.wait()

  440. if temptable.running == false then

  441. for e,r in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Collectibles:GetChildren() do

  442. if r:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal") then

  443. local aaaaaaaa = string.split(r:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal").Texture, 'rbxassetid://')[2]

  444. if aaaaaaaa ~= nil and api.findvalue(andromeda.priority, aaaaaaaa) then

  445. if r.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name and not r:FindFirstChild("got it") or tonumber((r.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude) <= temptable.magnitude/1.4 and not r:FindFirstChild("got it") then

  446. farm(r) local val ="IntValue",r) val.Name = "got it" break

  447. end

  448. end

  449. end

  450. end

  451. end

  452. end

  453. function gethiveballoon()

  454. task.wait()

  455. result = false

  456. for i,hive in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Honeycombs:GetChildren() do

  457. task.wait()

  458. if hive:FindFirstChild("Owner") and hive:FindFirstChild("SpawnPos") then

  459. if tostring(hive.Owner.Value) == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then

  460. for e,balloon in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Balloons.HiveBalloons:GetChildren() do

  461. task.wait()

  462. if balloon:FindFirstChild("BalloonRoot") then

  463. if (balloon.BalloonRoot.Position-hive.SpawnPos.Value.Position).magnitude < 15 then

  464. result = true

  465. break

  466. end

  467. end

  468. end

  469. end

  470. end

  471. end

  472. return result

  473. end

  474. function converthoney()

  475. task.wait(0)

  476. if temptable.converting then

  477. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ActivateButton.TextBox.Text ~= "Stop Making Honey" and game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ActivateButton.BackgroundColor3 ~=, 39, 28) or (game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.SpawnPos.Value.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude > 10 then

  478. api.tween(1, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.SpawnPos.Value * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 110, 0) +, 0, 9))

  479. task.wait(.9)

  480. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ActivateButton.TextBox.Text ~= "Stop Making Honey" and game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ActivateButton.BackgroundColor3 ~=, 39, 28) or (game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.SpawnPos.Value.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude > 10 then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.PlayerHiveCommand:FireServer("ToggleHoneyMaking") end

  481. task.wait(.1)

  482. end

  483. end

  484. end

  485. function closestleaf()

  486. for i,v in next, game.Workspace.Flowers:GetChildren() do

  487. if temptable.running == false and tonumber((v.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude) < temptable.magnitude/1.4 then

  488. farm(v)

  489. break

  490. end

  491. end

  492. end

  493. function getbubble()

  494. for i,v in next, game.workspace.Particles:GetChildren() do

  495. if string.find(v.Name, "Bubble") and temptable.running == false and tonumber((v.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude) < temptable.magnitude/1.4 then

  496. farm(v)

  497. break

  498. end

  499. end

  500. end

  501. function getballoons()

  502. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Balloons.FieldBalloons:GetChildren() do

  503. if v:FindFirstChild("BalloonRoot") and v:FindFirstChild("PlayerName") then

  504. if v:FindFirstChild("PlayerName").Value == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then

  505. if tonumber((v.BalloonRoot.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude) < temptable.magnitude/1.4 then

  506. api.walkTo(v.BalloonRoot.Position)

  507. end

  508. end

  509. end

  510. end

  511. end

  512. function getflower()

  513. flowerrrr = flowertable[math.random(#flowertable)]

  514. if tonumber((flowerrrr-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude) <= temptable.magnitude/1.4 and tonumber((flowerrrr-fieldposition).magnitude) <= temptable.magnitude/1.4 then

  515. if temptable.running == false then

  516. if andromeda.toggles.loopfarmspeed then

  517. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = andromeda.vars.farmspeed

  518. end

  519. api.walkTo(flowerrrr)

  520. end

  521. end

  522. end

  523. function getcloud()

  524. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Clouds:GetChildren() do

  525. e = v:FindFirstChild("Plane")

  526. if e and tonumber((e.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude) < temptable.magnitude/1.4 then

  527. api.walkTo(e.Position)

  528. end

  529. end

  530. end

  531. function getcoco(v)

  532. if temptable.coconut then repeat task.wait() until not temptable.coconut end

  533. temptable.coconut = true

  534. api.tween(.1, v.CFrame)

  535. repeat task.wait() api.walkTo(v.Position) until not v.Parent

  536. task.wait(.1)

  537. temptable.coconut = false

  538. table.remove(temptable.coconuts, table.find(temptable.coconuts, v))

  539. end

  540. function getfuzzy()

  541. pcall(function()

  542. for i,v in next, game.workspace.Particles:GetChildren() do

  543. if v.Name == "DustBunnyInstance" and temptable.running == false and tonumber((v.Plane.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude) < temptable.magnitude/1.4 then

  544. if v:FindFirstChild("Plane") then

  545. farm(v:FindFirstChild("Plane"))

  546. break

  547. end

  548. end

  549. end

  550. end)

  551. end

  552. function getflame()

  553. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").PlayerFlames:GetChildren() do

  554. if tonumber((v.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude) < temptable.magnitude/1.4 then

  555. farm(v)

  556. break

  557. end

  558. end

  559. end

  560. function avoidmob()

  561. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Monsters:GetChildren() do

  562. if v:FindFirstChild("Head") then

  563. if (v.Head.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude < 30 and api.humanoid():GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then

  564. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true

  565. end

  566. end

  567. end

  568. end

  569. function getcrosshairs(v)

  570. if v.BrickColor ~="Lime green") and v.BrickColor ~="Flint") then

  571. if temptable.crosshair then repeat task.wait() until not temptable.crosshair end

  572. temptable.crosshair = true

  573. api.walkTo(v.Position)

  574. repeat task.wait() api.walkTo(v.Position) until not v.Parent or v.BrickColor =="Forest green")

  575. task.wait(.1)

  576. temptable.crosshair = false

  577. table.remove(temptable.crosshairs, table.find(temptable.crosshairs, v))

  578. else

  579. table.remove(temptable.crosshairs, table.find(temptable.crosshairs, v))

  580. end

  581. end

  582. function makequests()

  583. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").NPCs:GetChildren() do

  584. if v.Name ~= "Ant Challenge Info" and v.Name ~= "Bubble Bee Man 2" and v.Name ~= "Wind Shrine" and v.Name ~= "Gummy Bear" then if v:FindFirstChild("Platform") then if v.Platform:FindFirstChild("AlertPos") then if v.Platform.AlertPos:FindFirstChild("AlertGui") then if v.Platform.AlertPos.AlertGui:FindFirstChild("ImageLabel") then

  585. image = v.Platform.AlertPos.AlertGui.ImageLabel

  586. button = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ActivateButton.MouseButton1Click

  587. if image.ImageTransparency == 0 then

  588. if andromeda.toggles.tptonpc then

  589. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, v.Platform.Position.Y+3, v.Platform.Position.Z)

  590. task.wait(1)

  591. else

  592. api.tween(2,, v.Platform.Position.Y+3, v.Platform.Position.Z))

  593. task.wait(3)

  594. end

  595. for b,z in next, getconnections(button) do z.Function() end

  596. task.wait(8)

  597. if image.ImageTransparency == 0 then

  598. for b,z in next, getconnections(button) do z.Function() end

  599. end

  600. task.wait(2)

  601. end

  602. end

  603. end end end end end

  604. end

  605. local OrionLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))()

  606. local Window = OrionLib:MakeWindow({Name = "Cherrysploit | Bee Swarm Simulator", HidePremium = false, SaveConfig = true, ConfigFolder = "Bss"})

  607. local Tab1 = Window:MakeTab({

  608. Name = "Farming",

  609. Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998",

  610. PremiumOnly = false

  611. })

  612. local Section = Tab1:AddSection({

  613. Name = "Farming"

  614. })

  615. Tab1:AddDropdown({

  616. Name = "Fields",

  617. Default = "1",

  618. Options = fieldstable,

  619. Callback = function(String)

  620. andromeda.vars.field = String

  621. end

  622. })

  623. Tab1:AddToggle({

  624. Name = "Auto-Farm",

  625. Default = false,

  626. Callback = function(Value)

  627. andromeda.toggles.autofarm = Value

  628. end

  629. })

  630. Tab1:AddToggle({

  631. Name = "Auto-Dig",

  632. Default = false,

  633. Callback = function(Value)

  634. andromeda.toggles.autodig = Value

  635. end

  636. })

  637. local Section = Tab1:AddSection({

  638. Name = "Farming Settings"

  639. })

  640. Tab1:AddSlider({

  641. Name = "Convert At",

  642. Min = 0,

  643. Max = 100,

  644. Default = 100,

  645. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0),

  646. Increment = 1,

  647. ValueName = "%",

  648. Callback = function(Value)

  649. andromeda.vars.convertat = Value

  650. end

  651. })

  652. Tab1:AddSlider({

  653. Name = "Auto-Farm Speed",

  654. Min = 16,

  655. Max = 100,

  656. Default = 30,

  657. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0),

  658. Increment = 1,

  659. ValueName = "Speed",

  660. Callback = function(Value)

  661. andromeda.vars.farmspeed = Value

  662. end

  663. })

  664. Tab1:AddToggle({

  665. Name = "Use Farm Speed",

  666. Default = false,

  667. Callback = function(Value)

  668. andromeda.toggles.loopfarmspeed = Value

  669. end

  670. })

  671. local Section = Tab1:AddSection({

  672. Name = "Other Farms"

  673. })

  674. Tab1:AddToggle({

  675. Name = "Place Sprinklers",

  676. Default = false,

  677. Callback = function(State)

  678. andromeda.toggles.autosprinkler = State

  679. end

  680. })

  681. Tab1:AddToggle({

  682. Name = "Convert Hive Balloon",

  683. Default = false,

  684. Callback = function(State)

  685. andromeda.toggles.convertballoons = State

  686. end

  687. })

  688. Tab1:AddToggle({

  689. Name = "Farm Bubbles",

  690. Default = false,

  691. Callback = function(State)

  692. andromeda.toggles.farmbubbles = State

  693. end

  694. })

  695. Tab1:AddToggle({

  696. Name = "Farm Flames",

  697. Default = false,

  698. Callback = function(State)

  699. andromeda.toggles.farmflame = State

  700. end

  701. })

  702. Tab1:AddToggle({

  703. Name = "Farm Coconuts / Star Shower",

  704. Default = false,

  705. Callback = function(State)

  706. andromeda.toggles.farmcoco = State

  707. end

  708. })

  709. Tab1:AddToggle({

  710. Name = "Farm Precise Crosshairs",

  711. Default = false,

  712. Callback = function(State)

  713. andromeda.toggles.collectcrosshairs = State

  714. end

  715. })

  716. Tab1:AddToggle({

  717. Name = "Farm Fuzzy Bombs",

  718. Default = false,

  719. Callback = function(State)

  720. andromeda.toggles.farmfuzzy = State

  721. end

  722. })

  723. Tab1:AddToggle({

  724. Name = "Farm Under Balloons",

  725. Default = false,

  726. Callback = function(State)

  727. andromeda.toggles.farmunderballoons = State

  728. end

  729. })

  730. Tab1:AddToggle({

  731. Name = "Farm Under Clouds",

  732. Default = false,

  733. Callback = function(State)

  734. andromeda.toggles.farmclouds = State

  735. end

  736. })

  737. Tab1:AddToggle({

  738. Name = "Farm Sprouts",

  739. Default = false,

  740. Callback = function(State)

  741. andromeda.toggles.farmsprouts = State

  742. end

  743. })

  744. Tab1:AddToggle({

  745. Name = "Farm Puffshrooms",

  746. Default = false,

  747. Callback = function(State)

  748. andromeda.toggles.farmpuffshrooms = State

  749. end

  750. })

  751. Tab1:AddToggle({

  752. Name = "Auto Planters",

  753. Default = false,

  754. Callback = function(Value)

  755. andromeda.toggles.autoplanters = Value

  756. end

  757. })

  758. Tab1:AddToggle({

  759. Name = "Farm Leaves",

  760. Default = false,

  761. Callback = function(Value)

  762. andromeda.toggles.farmclosestleaf = Value

  763. end

  764. })

  765. Tab1:AddToggle({

  766. Name = "Autofarm Tickets",

  767. Default = false,

  768. Callback = function(Value)

  769. _G.Condition = State -- true turns it on, false turns it off

  770. while _G.Condition == true do

  771. if v.CFrame.YVector.Y == 1 then if v.Transparency == 0 then decal = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal") if decal.Texture == '1674871631' or decal.Texture == "rbxassetid://1674871631" then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.CFrame break end end end end

  772. wait(1)

  773. end

  774. })

  775. Tab1:AddToggle({

  776. Name = "Autofarm Snowflakes",

  777. Default = false,

  778. Callback = function(State)

  779. andromeda.toggles.farmsnowflakes = State

  780. end

  781. })

  782. local Section = Tab1:AddSection({

  783. Name = "Dispensers"

  784. })

  785. Tab1:AddToggle({

  786. Name = "Auto-Dispense Blueberries",

  787. Default = false,

  788. Callback = function(Value)

  789. getgenv().Blue = (Value)

  790. while getgenv().Blue == true do

  791. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Blueberry Dispenser")

  792. wait(1)

  793. end

  794. end

  795. })

  796. Tab1:AddToggle({

  797. Name = "Auto-Dispense Strawberries",

  798. Default = false,

  799. Callback = function(Value)

  800. getgenv().Red = (Value)

  801. while getgenv().Red == true do

  802. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Strawberry Dispenser")

  803. wait(1)

  804. end

  805. end

  806. })

  807. Tab1:AddToggle({

  808. Name = "Auto-Dispense Treats",

  809. Default = false,

  810. Callback = function(Value)

  811. getgenv().Brown = (Value)

  812. while getgenv().Brown == true do

  813. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Treat Dispenser")

  814. wait(1)

  815. end

  816. end

  817. })

  818. Tab1:AddToggle({

  819. Name = "Auto-Dispense Coconuts",

  820. Default = false,

  821. Callback = function(Value)

  822. getgenv().COcoco = (Value)

  823. while getgenv().COcoco == true do

  824. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Coconut Dispenser")

  825. wait(1)

  826. end

  827. end

  828. })

  829. Tab1:AddToggle({

  830. Name = "Auto-Dispense Glue",

  831. Default = false,

  832. Callback = function(Value)

  833. getgenv().White = (Value)

  834. while getgenv().White == true do

  835. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Glue Dispenser")

  836. wait(1)

  837. end

  838. end

  839. })

  840. Tab1:AddToggle({

  841. Name = "Auto-Use Wealth Clock",

  842. Default = false,

  843. Callback = function(Value)

  844. getgenv().llllllll = (Value)

  845. while getgenv().llllllll == true do

  846. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Wealth Clock")

  847. wait(0.1)

  848. end

  849. end

  850. })

  851. local Section = Tab1:AddSection({

  852. Name = "Field Boosters"

  853. })

  854. Tab1:AddToggle({

  855. Name = "Auto-Use Regular Field Booster",

  856. Default = false,

  857. Callback = function(Value)

  858. getgenv().lll = (Value)

  859. while getgenv().lll == true do

  860. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Field Booster")

  861. wait(0.1)

  862. end

  863. end

  864. })

  865. Tab1:AddToggle({

  866. Name = "Auto-Use Red Field Booster",

  867. Default = false,

  868. Callback = function(Value)

  869. getgenv().lll = (Value)

  870. while getgenv().lll == true do

  871. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Red Field Booster")

  872. wait(0.1)

  873. end

  874. end

  875. })

  876. Tab1:AddToggle({

  877. Name = "Auto-Use Blue Field Booster",

  878. Default = false,

  879. Callback = function(Value)

  880. getgenv().lll = (Value)

  881. while getgenv().lll == true do

  882. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Blue Field Booster")

  883. wait(0.1)

  884. end

  885. end

  886. })

  887. local Tab2 = Window:MakeTab({

  888. Name = "Combat",

  889. Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998",

  890. PremiumOnly = false

  891. })

  892. local Section = Tab2:AddSection({

  893. Name = "Combat"

  894. })

  895. Tab2:AddToggle({

  896. Name = "Auto-Kill Viscious Bee",

  897. Default = false,

  898. Callback = function(State)

  899. andromeda.toggles.killvicious = State

  900. end

  901. })

  902. Tab2:AddToggle({

  903. Name = "Auto-Kill Windy Bee",

  904. Default = false,

  905. Callback = function(State)

  906. andromeda.toggles.killwindy = State

  907. end

  908. })

  909. task.spawn(function() while task.wait() do

  910. if andromeda.toggles.autofarm then

  911. if andromeda.toggles.farmcoco then getcoco() end

  912. if andromeda.toggles.collectcrosshairs then getcrosshairs() end

  913. if andromeda.toggles.farmflame then getflame() end

  914. if andromeda.toggles.farmfuzzy then getfuzzy() end

  915. end

  916. end end)

  917. game.Workspace.Particles.ChildAdded:Connect(function(v)

  918. if not temptable.started.vicious and not temptable.started.ant then

  919. if v.Name == "WarningDisk" and not temptable.started.vicious and andromeda.toggles.autofarm and not temptable.started.ant and andromeda.toggles.farmcoco and (v.Position-api.humanoidrootpart().Position).magnitude < temptable.magnitude and not temptable.converting then

  920. table.insert(temptable.coconuts, v)

  921. getcoco(v)

  922. gettoken()

  923. elseif v.Name == "Crosshair" and v ~= nil and v.BrickColor ~="Forest green") and not temptable.started.ant and v.BrickColor ~="Flint") and (v.Position-api.humanoidrootpart().Position).magnitude < temptable.magnitude and andromeda.toggles.autofarm and andromeda.toggles.collectcrosshairs and not temptable.converting then

  924. if #temptable.crosshairs <= 3 then

  925. table.insert(temptable.crosshairs, v)

  926. getcrosshairs(v)

  927. gettoken()

  928. end

  929. end

  930. end

  931. end)

  932. task.spawn(function() while task.wait() do

  933. if andromeda.toggles.autofarm then

  934. temptable.magnitude = 70

  935. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("ProgressLabel",true) then

  936. local pollenprglbl = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("ProgressLabel",true)

  937. maxpollen = tonumber(pollenprglbl.Text:match("%d+$"))

  938. local pollencount = game.Players.LocalPlayer.CoreStats.Pollen.Value

  939. pollenpercentage = pollencount/maxpollen*100

  940. fieldselected = game:GetService("Workspace").FlowerZones[andromeda.vars.field]

  941. if andromeda.toggles.autodoquest and game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Menus.Children.Quests.Content:FindFirstChild("Frame") then

  942. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Menus.Children.Quests:GetDescendants() do

  943. if v.Name == "Description" then

  944. if string.match(v.Parent.Parent.TitleBar.Text, andromeda.vars.npcprefer) or andromeda.vars.npcprefer == "All Quests" and not string.find(v.Text, "Puffshroom") then

  945. pollentypes = {'White Pollen', "Red Pollen", "Blue Pollen", "Blue Flowers", "Red Flowers", "White Flowers"}

  946. text = v.Text

  947. if api.returnvalue(fieldstable, text) and not string.find(v.Text, "Complete!") and not api.findvalue(andromeda.blacklistedfields, api.returnvalue(fieldstable, text)) then

  948. d = api.returnvalue(fieldstable, text)

  949. fieldselected = game:GetService("Workspace").FlowerZones[d]

  950. break

  951. elseif api.returnvalue(pollentypes, text) and not string.find(v.Text, 'Complete!') then

  952. d = api.returnvalue(pollentypes, text)

  953. if d == "Blue Flowers" or d == "Blue Pollen" then

  954. fieldselected = game:GetService("Workspace").FlowerZones[]

  955. break

  956. elseif d == "White Flowers" or d == "White Pollen" then

  957. fieldselected = game:GetService("Workspace").FlowerZones[andromeda.bestfields.white]

  958. break

  959. elseif d == "Red Flowers" or d == "Red Pollen" then

  960. fieldselected = game:GetService("Workspace").FlowerZones[]

  961. break

  962. end

  963. end

  964. end

  965. end

  966. end

  967. else

  968. fieldselected = game:GetService("Workspace").FlowerZones[andromeda.vars.field]

  969. end

  970. fieldpos =, fieldselected.Position.Y+3, fieldselected.Position.Z)

  971. fieldposition = fieldselected.Position

  972. if temptable.sprouts.detected and temptable.sprouts.coords and andromeda.toggles.farmsprouts then

  973. fieldposition = temptable.sprouts.coords.Position

  974. fieldpos = temptable.sprouts.coords

  975. end

  976. if andromeda.toggles.farmpuffshrooms and game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms:FindFirstChildOfClass("Model") then

  977. if api.partwithnamepart("Mythic", game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms) then

  978. temptable.magnitude = 25

  979. fieldpos = api.partwithnamepart("Mythic", game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms):FindFirstChild("Puffball Stem").CFrame

  980. fieldposition = fieldpos.Position

  981. elseif api.partwithnamepart("Legendary", game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms) then

  982. temptable.magnitude = 25

  983. fieldpos = api.partwithnamepart("Legendary", game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms):FindFirstChild("Puffball Stem").CFrame

  984. fieldposition = fieldpos.Position

  985. elseif api.partwithnamepart("Epic", game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms) then

  986. temptable.magnitude = 25

  987. fieldpos = api.partwithnamepart("Epic", game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms):FindFirstChild("Puffball Stem").CFrame

  988. fieldposition = fieldpos.Position

  989. elseif api.partwithnamepart("Rare", game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms) then

  990. temptable.magnitude = 25

  991. fieldpos = api.partwithnamepart("Rare", game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms):FindFirstChild("Puffball Stem").CFrame

  992. fieldposition = fieldpos.Position

  993. else

  994. temptable.magnitude = 25

  995. fieldpos = api.getbiggestmodel(game.Workspace.Happenings.Puffshrooms):FindFirstChild("Puffball Stem").CFrame

  996. fieldposition = fieldpos.Position

  997. end

  998. end

  999. if tonumber(pollenpercentage) < tonumber(andromeda.vars.convertat) then

  1000. if not temptable.tokensfarm then

  1001. api.tween(2, fieldpos)

  1002. task.wait(2)

  1003. temptable.tokensfarm = true

  1004. if andromeda.toggles.autosprinkler then makesprinklers() end

  1005. else

  1006. if andromeda.toggles.killmondo then

  1007. while andromeda.toggles.killmondo and game.Workspace.Monsters:FindFirstChild("Mondo Chick (Lvl 8)") and not temptable.started.vicious and not temptable.started.monsters do

  1008. temptable.started.mondo = true

  1009. while game.Workspace.Monsters:FindFirstChild("Mondo Chick (Lvl 8)") do

  1010. disableall()

  1011. game:GetService("Workspace").Map.Ground.HighBlock.CanCollide = false

  1012. mondopition = game.Workspace.Monsters["Mondo Chick (Lvl 8)"].Head.Position

  1013. api.tween(1,, mondopition.y - 60, mondopition.z))

  1014. task.wait(1)

  1015. temptable.float = true

  1016. end

  1017. task.wait(.5) game:GetService("Workspace").Map.Ground.HighBlock.CanCollide = true temptable.float = false api.tween(.5,, 176.35, -167)) task.wait(1)

  1018. for i = 0, 50 do

  1019. gettoken(, 176.35, -167).Position)

  1020. end

  1021. enableall()

  1022. api.tween(2, fieldpos)

  1023. temptable.started.mondo = false

  1024. end

  1025. end

  1026. if (fieldposition-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude > temptable.magnitude then

  1027. api.tween(2, fieldpos)

  1028. task.wait(2)

  1029. if andromeda.toggles.autosprinkler then makesprinklers() end

  1030. end

  1031. getprioritytokens()

  1032. if andromeda.toggles.avoidmobs then avoidmob() end

  1033. if andromeda.toggles.farmclosestleaf then closestleaf() end

  1034. if andromeda.toggles.farmbubbles then getbubble() end

  1035. if andromeda.toggles.farmclouds then getcloud() end

  1036. if andromeda.toggles.farmunderballoons then getballoons() end

  1037. if not andromeda.toggles.donotfarmtokens and done then gettoken() end

  1038. if not andromeda.toggles.farmflower then getflower() end

  1039. end

  1040. elseif tonumber(pollenpercentage) >= tonumber(andromeda.vars.convertat) then

  1041. temptable.tokensfarm = false

  1042. api.tween(2, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.SpawnPos.Value * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 110, 0) +, 0, 9))

  1043. task.wait(2)

  1044. temptable.converting = true

  1045. repeat

  1046. converthoney()

  1047. until game.Players.LocalPlayer.CoreStats.Pollen.Value == 0

  1048. if andromeda.toggles.convertballoons and gethiveballoon() then

  1049. task.wait(6)

  1050. repeat

  1051. task.wait()

  1052. converthoney()

  1053. until gethiveballoon() == false or not andromeda.toggles.convertballoons

  1054. end

  1055. temptable.converting = false

  1056. temptable.act = temptable.act + 1

  1057. task.wait(6)

  1058. if andromeda.toggles.autoant and not game:GetService("Workspace").Toys["Ant Challenge"].Busy.Value and rtsg().Eggs.AntPass > 0 then farmant() end

  1059. if andromeda.toggles.autoquest then makequests() end

  1060. if andromeda.toggles.autoplanters then collectplanters() end

  1061. if andromeda.toggles.autokillmobs then

  1062. if temptable.act >= andromeda.vars.monstertimer then

  1063. temptable.started.monsters = true

  1064. temptable.act = 0

  1065. killmobs()

  1066. temptable.started.monsters = false

  1067. end

  1068. end

  1069. end

  1070. end

  1071. end end end)

  1072. task.spawn(function()

  1073. while task.wait(1) do

  1074. if andromeda.toggles.killvicious and temptable.detected.vicious and temptable.converting == false and not temptable.started.monsters then

  1075. temptable.started.vicious = true

  1076. disableall()

  1077. local vichumanoid = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart

  1078. for i,v in next, game.workspace.Particles:GetChildren() do

  1079. for x in string.gmatch(v.Name, "Vicious") do

  1080. if string.find(v.Name, "Vicious") then

  1081. api.tween(1,, v.Position.y, v.Position.z)) task.wait(1)

  1082. api.tween(0.5,, v.Position.y, v.Position.z)) task.wait(.5)

  1083. end

  1084. end

  1085. end

  1086. for i,v in next, game.workspace.Particles:GetChildren() do

  1087. for x in string.gmatch(v.Name, "Vicious") do

  1088. while andromeda.toggles.killvicious and temptable.detected.vicious do task.wait() if string.find(v.Name, "Vicious") then

  1089. for i=1, 4 do temptable.float = true vichumanoid.CFrame =, v.Position.y, v.Position.z) task.wait(.3)

  1090. end

  1091. end end

  1092. end

  1093. end

  1094. enableall()

  1095. task.wait(1)

  1096. temptable.float = false

  1097. temptable.started.vicious = false

  1098. end

  1099. end

  1100. end)

  1101. task.spawn(function() while task.wait() do

  1102. if andromeda.toggles.killwindy and temptable.detected.windy and not temptable.converting and not temptable.started.vicious and not temptable.started.mondo and not temptable.started.monsters then

  1103. temptable.started.windy = true

  1104. wlvl = "" aw = false awb = false -- some variable for autowindy, yk?

  1105. disableall()

  1106. while andromeda.toggles.killwindy and temptable.detected.windy do

  1107. if not aw then

  1108. for i,v in pairs(workspace.Monsters:GetChildren()) do

  1109. if string.find(v.Name, "Windy") then wlvl = v.Name aw = true -- we found windy!

  1110. end

  1111. end

  1112. end

  1113. if aw then

  1114. for i,v in pairs(workspace.Monsters:GetChildren()) do

  1115. if string.find(v.Name, "Windy") then

  1116. if v.Name ~= wlvl then

  1117. temptable.float = false task.wait(5) for i =1, 5 do gettoken(api.humanoidrootpart().Position) end -- collect tokens :yessir:

  1118. wlvl = v.Name

  1119. end

  1120. end

  1121. end

  1122. end

  1123. if not awb then api.tween(1,temptable.gacf(temptable.windy, 5)) task.wait(1) awb = true end

  1124. if awb and temptable.windy.Name == "Windy" then

  1125. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = temptable.gacf(temptable.windy, 25) temptable.float = true task.wait()

  1126. end

  1127. end

  1128. enableall()

  1129. temptable.float = false

  1130. temptable.started.windy = false

  1131. end

  1132. end end)

  1133. task.spawn(function() while task.wait(0.001) do

  1134. if andromeda.toggles.traincrab then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 111.8, 496.4) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 110, 90) temptable.float = true temptable.float = false end

  1135. if andromeda.toggles.farmrares then for k,v in next, game.workspace.Collectibles:GetChildren() do if v.CFrame.YVector.Y == 1 then if v.Transparency == 0 then decal = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal") for e,r in next, andromeda.rares do if decal.Texture == r or decal.Texture == "rbxassetid://"..r then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.CFrame break end end end end end end

  1136. if andromeda.toggles.autodig then workspace.NPCs.Onett.Onett["Porcelain Dipper"].ClickEvent:FireServer() if game.Players.LocalPlayer then if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):FindFirstChild("ClickEvent", true) then clickevent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):FindFirstChild("ClickEvent", true) or nil end end end if clickevent then clickevent:FireServer() end end end

  1137. end end)

  1138. game:GetService("Workspace").Particles.Folder2.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)

  1139. if child.Name == "Sprout" then

  1140. temptable.sprouts.detected = true

  1141. temptable.sprouts.coords = child.CFrame

  1142. end

  1143. end)

  1144. game:GetService("Workspace").Particles.Folder2.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child)

  1145. if child.Name == "Sprout" then

  1146. task.wait(30)

  1147. temptable.sprouts.detected = false

  1148. temptable.sprouts.coords = ""

  1149. end

  1150. end)

  1151. Workspace.Particles.ChildAdded:Connect(function(instance)

  1152. if string.find(instance.Name, "Vicious") then

  1153. temptable.detected.vicious = true

  1154. end

  1155. end)

  1156. Workspace.Particles.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(instance)

  1157. if string.find(instance.Name, "Vicious") then

  1158. temptable.detected.vicious = false

  1159. end

  1160. end)

  1161. game:GetService("Workspace").NPCBees.ChildAdded:Connect(function(v)

  1162. if v.Name == "Windy" then

  1163. task.wait(3) temptable.windy = v temptable.detected.windy = true

  1164. end

  1165. end)

  1166. game:GetService("Workspace").NPCBees.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(v)

  1167. if v.Name == "Windy" then

  1168. task.wait(3) temptable.windy = nil temptable.detected.windy = false

  1169. end

  1170. end)

  1171. task.spawn(function() while task.wait(.1) do

  1172. if not temptable.converting then

  1173. if andromeda.toggles.autosamovar then

  1174. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Samovar")

  1175. platformm = game:GetService("Workspace").Toys.Samovar.Platform

  1176. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Collectibles:GetChildren()) do

  1177. if (v.Position-platformm.Position).magnitude < 25 and v.CFrame.YVector.Y == 1 then

  1178. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = v.CFrame

  1179. end

  1180. end

  1181. end

  1182. if andromeda.toggles.autostockings then

  1183. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Stockings")

  1184. platformm = game:GetService("Workspace").Toys.Stockings.Platform

  1185. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Collectibles:GetChildren()) do

  1186. if (v.Position-platformm.Position).magnitude < 25 and v.CFrame.YVector.Y == 1 then

  1187. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = v.CFrame

  1188. end

  1189. end

  1190. end

  1191. if andromeda.toggles.autoonettart then

  1192. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Onett's Lid Art")

  1193. platformm = game:GetService("Workspace").Toys["Onett's Lid Art"].Platform

  1194. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Collectibles:GetChildren()) do

  1195. if (v.Position-platformm.Position).magnitude < 25 and v.CFrame.YVector.Y == 1 then

  1196. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = v.CFrame

  1197. end

  1198. end

  1199. end

  1200. if andromeda.toggles.autocandles then

  1201. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Honeyday Candles")

  1202. platformm = game:GetService("Workspace").Toys["Honeyday Candles"].Platform

  1203. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Collectibles:GetChildren()) do

  1204. if (v.Position-platformm.Position).magnitude < 25 and v.CFrame.YVector.Y == 1 then

  1205. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = v.CFrame

  1206. end

  1207. end

  1208. end

  1209. if andromeda.toggles.autofeast then

  1210. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Beesmas Feast")

  1211. platformm = game:GetService("Workspace").Toys["Beesmas Feast"].Platform

  1212. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Collectibles:GetChildren()) do

  1213. if (v.Position-platformm.Position).magnitude < 25 and v.CFrame.YVector.Y == 1 then

  1214. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame = v.CFrame

  1215. end

  1216. end

  1217. end

  1218. end

  1219. end end)

  1220. task.spawn(function() while task.wait(1) do

  1221. temptable.runningfor = temptable.runningfor + 1

  1222. temptable.honeycurrent = statsget().Totals.Honey

  1223. if andromeda.toggles.honeystorm then game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Honeystorm") end

  1224. if andromeda.toggles.collectgingerbreads then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Gingerbread House") end

  1225. if andromeda.toggles.autodispense then

  1226. if andromeda.dispensesettings.rj then local A_1 = "Free Royal Jelly Dispenser" local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent Event:FireServer(A_1) end

  1227. if andromeda.dispensesettings.blub then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Blueberry Dispenser") end

  1228. if andromeda.dispensesettings.straw then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Strawberry Dispenser") end

  1229. if andromeda.dispensesettings.treat then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Treat Dispenser") end

  1230. if andromeda.dispensesettings.coconut then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Coconut Dispenser") end

  1231. if andromeda.dispensesettings.glue then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Glue Dispenser") end

  1232. end

  1233. if andromeda.toggles.autoboosters then

  1234. if andromeda.dispensesettings.white then game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Field Booster") end

  1235. if then game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Red Field Booster") end

  1236. if then game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Blue Field Booster") end

  1237. end

  1238. if andromeda.toggles.clock then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Wealth Clock") end

  1239. if andromeda.toggles.freeantpass then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToyEvent:FireServer("Free Ant Pass Dispenser") end

  1240. gainedhoneylabel:Set("Gained Honey: "..api.suffixstring(temptable.honeycurrent - temptable.honeystart))

  1241. end end)

  1242. game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:connect(function()

  1243. if andromeda.toggles.autoquest then firesignal(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.NPC.ButtonOverlay.MouseButton1Click) end

  1244. if andromeda.toggles.loopspeed then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = andromeda.vars.walkspeed end

  1245. if andromeda.toggles.loopjump then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = andromeda.vars.jumppower end

  1246. end)

  1247. game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:connect(function()

  1248. for i,v in next, game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui:WaitForChild("MinigameLayer"):GetChildren() do for k,q in next, v:WaitForChild("GuiGrid"):GetDescendants() do if q.Name == "ObjContent" or q.Name == "ObjImage" then q.Visible = true end end end

  1249. end)

  1250. game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:connect(function()

  1251. if temptable.float then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.BodyTypeScale.Value = 0 floatpad.CanCollide = true floatpad.CFrame =, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Y-3.75, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Z) task.wait(0) else floatpad.CanCollide = false end

  1252. end)

  1253. local vu = game:GetService("VirtualUser")

  1254. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function() vu:Button2Down(,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame)task.wait(1)vu:Button2Up(,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame)

  1255. end)

  1256. task.spawn(function()while task.wait() do

  1257. if andromeda.toggles.farmsnowflakes then

  1258. task.wait(3)

  1259. for i,v in next, temptable.tokenpath:GetChildren() do

  1260. if v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal") and v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal").Texture == "rbxassetid://6087969886" and v.Transparency == 0 then

  1261. api.humanoidrootpart().CFrame =, v.Position.Y+3, v.Position.Z)

  1262. break

  1263. end

  1264. end

  1265. end

  1266. end end)

  1267. game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char)

  1268. humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

  1269. humanoid.Died:Connect(function()

  1270. if andromeda.toggles.autofarm then

  1271. temptable.dead = true

  1272. andromeda.toggles.autofarm = false

  1273. temptable.converting = false

  1274. temptable.farmtoken = false

  1275. end

  1276. if temptable.dead then

  1277. task.wait(25)

  1278. temptable.dead = false

  1279. andromeda.toggles.autofarm = true local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

  1280. temptable.converting = false

  1281. temptable.tokensfarm = true

  1282. end

  1283. end)

  1284. end)

  1285. for _,v in next, game.workspace.Collectibles:GetChildren() do

  1286. if string.find(v.Name,"") then

  1287. v:Destroy()

  1288. end

  1289. end

  1290. task.spawn(function() while task.wait() do

  1291. pos = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position

  1292. task.wait(0.00001)

  1293. currentSpeed = (pos-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude

  1294. if currentSpeed > 0 then

  1295. temptable.running = true

  1296. else

  1297. temptable.running = false

  1298. end

  1299. end end)

  1300. hives = game.Workspace.Honeycombs:GetChildren() for i = #hives, 1, -1 do v = game.Workspace.Honeycombs:GetChildren()[i] if v.Owner.Value == nil then game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ClaimHive:FireServer(v.HiveID.Value) end end

  1301. if _G.autoload then if isfile("andromeda/BSS_".._G.autoload..".json") then andromeda = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(readfile("andromeda/BSS_".._G.autoload..".json")) end end

  1302. for _, part in next, workspace:FindFirstChild("FieldDecos"):GetDescendants() do if part:IsA("BasePart") then part.CanCollide = false part.Transparency = part.Transparency < 0.5 and 0.5 or part.Transparency task.wait() end end

  1303. for _, part in next, workspace:FindFirstChild("Decorations"):GetDescendants() do if part:IsA("BasePart") and (part.Parent.Name == "Bush" or part.Parent.Name == "Blue Flower") then part.CanCollide = false part.Transparency = part.Transparency < 0.5 and 0.5 or part.Transparency task.wait() end end

  1304. for i,v in next, workspace.Decorations.Misc:GetDescendants() do if v.Parent.Name == "Mushroom" then v.CanCollide = false v.Transparency = 0.5 end end

Bss Script - (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.