18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (2024)


  • Even on PS5, Fallout 4 mods can enhance your experience. Small mods can still make a big impact.
  • Don't be discouraged by PS5 mod limitations. Mods like SimpleGreen can still change the game.
  • Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch is essential for bug fixes. It's compatible with most mods and constantly updated.

Even though the PS5 version of Fallout 4 doesn’t support nearly as many mods as the PC version, several thousand still exist to choose from. Due to Sony’s infamous restrictions on using third-party assets, most of the Fallout 4 mods available on PS5 are quite small compared to those found on other platforms. However, that shouldn’t dissuade you from installing them, because even small mods can change the game in big ways.


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Fallout 4 is a pretty good game, even without any mods, but downloading a few of the modifications found on this list will greatly enhance your experience. However, keep in mind that some mods are not compatible with others. Meanwhile, a few of them have specific dependencies. Don’t install any mods without first reading their descriptions on Bethesda’s website.

Fallout 4

November 10, 2015

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Updated by Nathan Round on 27th February:The Fallout 4 console modding community is still alive, and kicking, continuing to put out new mods regularly. We have updated this list with three new entries, along with including some additional links to other useful Fallout 4 related guides and lists.

18 Aliens of the Commonwealth

Alien Sci-Fi Aesthetic Mod By AscendantLight

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (2)
  • Reskins many of the Federal Surveillance Center K-21B into aliens
  • Introduces five unique alien-themed weapons

Aliens are a thing in the Fallout universe, but there’s only one of them in the fourth entry, and it’s more of an Easter Egg than a major feature in the game. Luckily, you can add a bunch more extraterrestrials to your game by simply installing the Aliens of the Commonwealth mod.

The mod turns the Federal Surveillance Center K-21B into an alien base complete with little green men. There’s only a small band of aliens inside the base, but they pack a mean punch, so don’t go in unprepared. If you manage to dispatch them, look around for a bit because you might just find some of their sci-fi-themed weapons.

17 No Aggro Impact Landing (Power Armor)

Quality Of Life Power Armor Mod By Mm137

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (3)
  • A small quality-of-life modification that affects Power Armor
  • Prevents NPCs from turning hostile when caught in the Power Armor's impact landing radius

Power Armor is a great addition to any player's arsenal in Fallout 4. This mechanical suit boosts player strength, and damage resistance, along with completely negating fall damage. One overlooked feature of the Power Armor is the after-shock it produces when falling to the ground from a distance, which can damage surrounding enemies and NPCs. However, this often results in usually passive NPCs turning hostile if they are caught within your blast radius.

The No Aggro Impact Landing (Power Armor) mod acts as more of a quality-of-life update, one which aims to tackle this annoying issue. When installed, players can expect to no longer aggravate their fellow companions or settlers with the Power Armor impact landing. This is a rather small change, but one which will save you a lot of trouble in the long run - if you like to use Power Armor regularly, that is.

16 Better Graphics And Weather

Huge Graphic Overhaul Mod By Axii169

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (4)
  • Boosts Fallout 4's graphics by improving textures, weather effects, lighting, and more.
  • Has little effect on performance, but requires additional downloads for DLCs

Like most Fallout 4 mods, Better Graphics and Weather does exactly what it says on the tin. This is one of several mods that make the PS5 version of Fallout 4 a bit prettier to look at by improving textures, weather effects, lighting, water, skyboxes, and more. Though there are quite a few mods that accomplish this, Better Graphics and Weather is the most popular of the bunch - precisely because it’s so all-encompassing.

If you want to take the graphics to the next level, you could instead install a bunch of different mods, each specializing in a particular area. For instance, Water Redux improves water, Weather Redux improves weather effects, Enhanced Lights and FX improves lighting, and so forth. However, it’s worth noting that graphics mods are very fickle and don’t tend to play well with each other. So, if you’re looking for a simple, all-in-one solution, then Better Graphics and Weather is the mod for you.

15 SimpleGreen - SimpleSeasons 'Spring'

Seasonal Aesthetic Mod By ANDREWCX

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (5)
  • Gives the world a spring season aesthetic change
  • Works quite well in enhancing the look of the game when used with other graphic-enhancing mods

SimpleGreen is a fantastic mod that makes the world of Fallout 4 look lusher and more vibrant. This spring-themed mod changes most of the vegetation found throughout the wasteland, while also partially altering the DLC zones. If green isn't your cup of tea, don't worry. You can grab a few add-ons that let you change the vegetation to fit any of the other seasons. Just bear in mind that you won't be able to use SimpleWhite (Winter), SimpleYellow (Summer), or SimpleRed (Fall) without first installing SimpleGreen.

The SimpleSeasons series is pretty unique because it was primarily developed for PlayStation consoles, whereas most of the other Fallout 4 mods available for PS5 are mere ports. In case you're wondering if SimpleGreen is compatible with Better Graphics and Weather, the answer is yes. With these two mods alone, you can completely change the look of Fallout 4.

14 Wasteland Redux

Hardcore Difficulty Scaling Mod By W0Wz3rK0W

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (6)
  • Huge overhaul mod that increases the difficulty of Fallout 4
  • Reduces player's health, increases enemy difficulty, along with other difficulty scaling features

Wasteland Redux is an overhaul mod that introduces many small changes aimed at making the game feel more challenging and balanced. Among other things, Wasteland Redux makes enemies tougher, while also reducing the amount of health players gain whenever they level up. Enemies are generally harder to take down when attacked willy-nilly, but they take more weak-spot damage and are easier to cripple.

Wasteland Redux also makes changes to crafting, perks, chems, weapons, lock picking, and more. The mod touches upon pretty much every major component of Fallout 4 and even includes a fair number of bug fixes to boot. Due to the sheer amount of changes made by the mod, Wasteland Redux isn’t compatible with most other mods. Wasteland Redux works just fine with things like Better Graphics and Weather and SimpleSeasons, but tends to conflict with mods that modify weapons, armor, NPCs, and leveled lists.

13 Unleveled World

Level Scaling Mod By Mephy-Kuns

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (7)
  • Enhances Fallout 4's difficulty by setting enemy levels to 1, allowing players to encounter them earlier on
  • Allows players to secure late-game items and weapons early

Similar to Skyrim and other open-world RPGs, Fallout 4 features enemies and loot that scale alongside the player. Many players aren’t big fans of this system, and it’s easy to see why. Combat always feels just as easy regardless of whether you’ve just started a new campaign or have already played for 100+ hours. Meanwhile, outside of Legendary items, it’s impossible to find interesting armor and weapons because everything is always scaled to your current level. Luckily, all of that can easily be changed by simply installing this mod.

Unleveled World turns Fallout 4 into a more old-school RPG where the world is populated by both weak and strong creatures from the get-go. With this mod installed, you won’t have to play for hours before you encounter your first Deathclaw because they’ll be roaming the wasteland starting at level 1. Similarly, Unleveled World makes it possible to come across late-game items early on, although you’ll still need to unlock certain Perks to use them effectively. Unleveled World requires most of Fallout 4’s DLCs to run, so it’s best to get this one only if you have the GOTY Edition.

12 Institute Overhaul

Faction Strengthening Mod By SCVTVM

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (8)
  • Strengthens the Institute faction by implementing an overhaul of features
  • Delevels Synths and Coursers, allows players to buy powerful items, and much more

The Institute is one of the most interesting factions in Fallout 4, but they don’t have as much impact on what's going on in the wasteland as the game would have you believe. Institute Overhaul’s main goal is to make the faction stronger and more threatening, by buffing up their members and allowing the player to encounter them much earlier in the game. Both Synths and Coursers become deleveled with this mod installed, while the former also gets better gear.


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Institute Overhaul also makes the faction more appealing to join than ever before. The mod adds workbenches in the Concourse area and allows players to buy powerful items from the Synth Vendor, including Courser Jackets and Heavy Synth Armor. Institute Overhaul doesn’t make any other big changes to the faction, but it gives you just enough reasons to take them more seriously. The mod doesn’t have any DLC requirements and is compatible with pretty much everything.

11 Unified Clothing Overhaul

Gear Customisation Mod By ANDREWCX

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (10)
  • Introduces all-new character customization options into the game
  • Includes craftable gear, along with changing the appearance of existing items, but not the function

PS5 Fallout 4 mods generally don’t add a lot of new content, but this one is an exception. Unified Clothing Overhaul (UCO) introduces tons of new gear customization options without relying on third-party assets, which is quite a feat. Moreover, the mod also changes the appearance of some items, but not the function, allowing you to be fashionable without sacrificing practicality.

Unified Clothing Overhaul requires another mod called Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR). Make sure to download that first because it acts as a framework for a bunch of armor and cosmetics mods, including Unified Clothing Overhaul. Another important thing to note is that all the items added by UCO need to be crafted by the player, as they won’t automatically spawn in the game world when you install the mod.

10 Unlocked Settlement Objects

Settlement Workshop Overhaul Mod By ANDREWCX

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (11)
  • Introduces several in-game assets to the workshop mode
  • Also sees the inclusion of reskinned assets, providing more ways to customize your Settlement

Despite being one of the biggest features of Fallout 4, it's no secret that Settlement building hasn't been very popular with a large portion of the player base. If you're one of those who do enjoy it, however, you'll want to grab this mod because it makes Settlement building so much better. Just as its name indicates, Unlocked Settlement Objects (USO) allows you to use significantly more assets in workshop mode to customize all the Settlements in the game.

In addition to unlocking a ton of new items, the mod also brings some neat features to the table. Among other things, USO has a better categorization system than the default one, adds several reskinned items, lets you use complete structures like cabins and monuments, lets you build NPCs, and more. If you're using SimpleGreen by the same author, you can even plant a bunch of trees and make a cozy forest Settlement for yourself.

9 Settlers Extended

A Settler Expansion Mod By Lozioale

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (12)
  • Introduces more than 140 new settlers into the game
  • Increases the number of possible settlers in any given Settlement

Since we’re already discussing Settlement, it’s worth mentioning another mod that can make them significantly better. Settlers Extended is a mod that adds no less than 140 possible new settlers to Fallout 4. The mod doesn’t replace any of the original settlers, so expect to see a mix of both old and new models. In addition to regular human settlers, the mod also introduces a variety of Ghouls and Synths, along with 24 unique settlers - though only one unique settler is available per Settlement.

The mod also increases the number of people that can populate a Settlement. At most, a Settlement can have up to 40 inhabitants with this mod installed. However, having so many NPCs in one place at the same time can lead to performance issues. Settlers Extended has two versions – Standard and Extreme. The main difference between them is that Standard makes settlers immortal while Extreme doesn’t. Regardless of which of the two versions you choose, there’s no need to worry about compatibility issues or DLC requirements with this mod.

Settlement Customisation Mods By Registrator2000 & 3lric

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (13)
  • Allows you to place workshop items anywhere
  • Allows players to remove preexisting items within Settlements

Our next entry on this list contains two separate mods, both of which can be used together in the customization of your Settlement. The first is the Place Anywhere Tool, which fixes an annoying issue tied to workshop mode. The game is rather restrictive when it comes to placing workshop items in certain areas. However, the Place Anywhere Tool completely bypasses this, making customizing your Settlement much easier.

The second mod is STS - Scrap That Settlement, which allows you to edit many of the replaced assets within a Settlement via the workshop mode. This works wonders in removing any unwanted objects within the world, such as piles of trash and vegetation. This grants the player even more freedom in customizing their Settlement, thus making it an essential mod for aspiring base builders.

7 Pre-Walled Settlements

Settlement Defense Enhancing Mod By Skibber123

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (14)
  • Surrounds Settlements with stonewalls, helping with defense
  • Supports a wide range of Settlements, saving you from having to fortify your base yourself

Again, carrying on the topic of Settlements, we have the Pre-Walled Settlements - a rather small but useful mod. Fallout 4 players may have encountered their fair share of Settlement Raids, which can be quite a hassle to deal with if your Settlement defenses are rather low early on. Running into a Settlement Raid can lead to the loss of some valuable settlers and resources, making it a rather tedious occurrence.

This is where the Pre-Walled Settlements mod comes in. Once installed, the Pre-Walled Settlements mod will surround all Settlements with a high concrete wall. This adds a layer of protection around each Settlement, thus allowing you to spend less time fortifying your base and more time on other endeavors.

6 Outfield Retreat

Essential Modded Player Home By TheRealElianora

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (15)
  • Adds a player home at the Outfield of Diamond City
  • Home includes essentials like workbenches, a power armor station, tons of unique storage, and more

There isn’t a huge selection of player home mods on the PS5, but there are a couple of decent ones to choose from. Outfield Retreat is currently the most popular one, and it’s easy to see why. This mod installs a home within the Outfield of Diamond City - one that comes equipped with everything a wasteland explorer could ever wish for.


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Outfield Retreat features workbenches, a bed, water supply, electricity, plenty of storage, and even a Bobblehead shelf. There are also bookshelves and various other places where you can display your loot. Even more importantly, everything is static, so there’s no risk of knocking stuff over. This is a pretty small player home, so don’t expect any Power Armor Stations inside - though there is one just outside the house.

5 OCDecorator

Inventory Item Decorator Mod By Ethreon

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (17)
  • Turns all loot items into static objects
  • Allows loot items to be displayed within Settlements, along with fixing many of the issues associated with loot

There’s nothing more fulfilling than coming home from a hard day of adventuring with a bag full of rare and valuable items. But don’t you hate it when your priceless loot randomly falls off the shelves or disappears for no apparent reason? Well, you’re in luck, because there’s a mod that fixes that.

OCDecorator is a tiny mod that turns inventory items into static objects just begging to be put on display. Displayed items can’t be knocked over, but they can be moved around via the crafting menu or returned to your inventory whenever you want. Be careful though, as if you’re using mods that change item models, they might not be compatible with OCDecorator.

4 Weapon Perks Overhaul

Perk Revamp Mod By SCVTVM

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (18)
  • Overhauls the functionality of Perks to make them more in line with previous Fallout games
  • Boosts the damage output of various weapons through the use of Perks, making them much more valuable

Weapon Perks Overhaul is one of the newest Fallout 4 mods on this list, one which attempts to make the game feel a bit more like its predecessors by implementing various changes to the weapon Perks. Primarily, the mod attempts to make a clearer distinction between energy and ballistic weapons, as well as the Perks associated with them. For instance, the Science Perk now increases the damage of small energy weapons - in addition to unlocking more mods for them. Similarly, the Gunslinger Perk, which has been renamed to Small Arms, now increases the damage of all small ballistic weapons.

Meanwhile, Pistols get their own Perk. There’s also a clearer distinction between automatic and non-automatic weapons, in terms of which Perks affect each of the two categories of weapons. Weapon Perks Overhaul also makes changes to the Rifleman and Commando Perks. This mod doesn’t modify anything else and can be installed alongside any mods - so long as they don't change weapons or Perks.

3 Zombie Walkers

Zombie Aesthetic Mod Overhaul By Joefor

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (19)
  • Reskins much of the Feral Ghouls into zombies
  • Makes many changes to the Feral Ghouls, such as making them slower and more vulnerable to headshots

Fans of classic horror games and movies will appreciate this one. Zombie Walkers is a simple mod that turns most of the Feral Ghouls in Fallout 4 into lumbering undead. The zombies move much slower than their original counterparts, and they’re significantly more vulnerable to headshots. If you ever wanted to re-enact a George Romero movie in Fallout 4, just install this mod, wait until nightfall, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by a horde of living dead in no time.

Zombie Walkers has several plugins that allow you to change other types of creatures into zombies. This includes animals, Raiders, Super Mutants, and more. Use with care because if you install all of them, most of the wasteland will become infested with zombies. Unless, of course, that’s exactly what you’re going for.

2 Plenty 'O' Exploration

Expansive Exploration Mod By DangoSan

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (20)
  • Opens up previously inaccessible areas around Concord
  • Introduces new accessible areas within the Commonwealth

Like all good open-world RPGs, Fallout 4 features a myriad of dungeons and other interesting locations to explore. But the fun doesn’t stop there because, with this mod, you can open up a bunch of previously inaccessible locations; primarily in and around Concord.

With Plenty ‘O’ Exploration installed, you’ll find that you can now enter many of the houses that are normally boarded up in the vanilla game. The interiors are mostly just for show, but the mod creator did throw some flavor text and environmental storytelling to spice things up a bit. In addition to the interiors, a few new exterior locations are also sprinkled throughout the Commonwealth - each one acting as a unique secret area.

1 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch

Huge Bug Fix Patch Update By Arthmoor

18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (21)
  • An unofficial patch update that fixes many of the bugs and glitches in Fallout 4
  • Compatible with most mods, and is constantly updated to keep the game running smoothly

Much like Skyrim, or almost any other Bethesda game for that matter, Fallout 4 has an unofficial patch. The mod fixes many of the game’s problems without touching anything else. The full list of bugfixes is too extensive to cover here but let's just say that the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (UFO4P) is essential. You should download this patch even if you don’t plan on installing any other mods.

The Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch is compatible with pretty much any other mod and is still being consistently updated to this day. The only caveat of the mod is that it requires you to own all the DLC. There is an alternative to UFO4P called Free Fall 4 – Director’s Cut that does something similar while also restoring a bunch of content that was left on the cutting room floor. Free Fall 4 doesn’t necessarily require you to own any DLC, though it does support them. That said, it doesn’t play well with a lot of other mods and could cause issues if it runs alongside UFO4P.


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18 Essential Fallout 4 Mods For PS5 (2024)


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